About us

Behaviour Change is a not-for-profit social enterprise, founded in 2009. We create social and environmental change, with big ideas grounded in behavioural science. Since January 2022, we have partnered with climate action charity WRAP to tackle the resource use that feeds climate change.

    Who we work with

    1. Businesses seeking a positive impact

      We work with like-minded businesses on social and environmental issues where a behaviour change is required. This ranges from facilitating workshops to developing full scale behaviour change intervention projects, from research and strategy to on-the-ground delivery.

    2. Government and charities who want to achieve a behavioural goal

      We develop interventions to help tackle some of society’s biggest problems, working with central and local government and charities large and small.

    3. Foundations to further the causes they support

      We work with funders to design, build and test innovative interventions to address social and environmental challenges in the UK and overseas.

    Our Services

Our Team


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